Awareness of disease and symptoms is essential for screening and early detection. If members of the public are aware of a disease and its symptoms, they are more likely to take action to prevent it happening to them, or go to healthcare providers for check-ups.On the other hand, if people are not aware of diseases and healthcare options it keeps them from taking preventative action or from visiting their doctor and accessing care.
There is a test and daily challenge that students (subscribers) can evaluate themselves by answering the questions that test their level of understanding.
Tutorial video uploaded every day for each category
Prepared by doctors
Service charge
After subscription is completed, our subscriber can use our website for free for three days and if our subscriber willing to continue with our service, subscribers charged for service fee which is two(2) ETB per day for seven days in a week from their mobile airtime.
Way of service termination
If any one wants to terminate the service due to different reasons, they can send an sms text, “STOP” to a short code ****BACK